If you are an affiliate marketer or thinking to become one, you probably know that your business cannot survive without having an email list.
...And the bigger the email list the easier it is to make money if you use the common 1% conversion rate.
...And you probably know that generating emails can cost thousands IF you use the traditional marketing methods like social media
There are two ways to get your leads:
Free Methods - Very time consuming
Paid Methods - Very effective if done properly
I'll focus on Paid Methods in this post because I found an efficient methods that gets me at least 100 Fresh Leads every day.
If you are serious about affiliate marketing, you are lucky to have landed on this page because you can save time and money.
Traditional leads generation is said to cost anywhere between $1-$7 per Lead.
That is at least a buck for one lead! That is way too expensive if you ask me especially if that one lead can unsubscribe any time. And that is what was happening to me in the beginning.
So I started searching for a service that would find me quality leads for pennies and here is a breakdown of what I found.
Service Breakdowns:
Lead Generation Secret: 1. After you subscribe
2. You get at least 100 Fresh Leads every day
3. This accumulates to 3,000 Leads after a month
4. After a year you will have 36,000 Leads
5. As your Leads accumulate every day you message them every day
5. You message your leads using the Mailer included
6. My Average click through rates are 10% every day
7. Lead cost is 1 Cent ($0.01)!
Organic Leads: 1. After you subscribe
2. You get at least 70 Fresh Leads every day
3. This accumulates to 2,100 Leads after a month
4. After a year you will have 25,200 Leads
5. As your Leads accumulate every day you message them every day
5. You message your leads using the Mailer included
6. My Average click through rates are 15% every day
7. Lead cost is 1.5 Cents ($0.015)!
I think you see the difference in terms of cost of getting access to verified quality leads who are looking to receive you offers and are ready to see your communication.
You can use these services in addition to the other lead generating methods that you use. I strongly recommend the above mentioned services above simply because they work for me, they are a great addition to your established marketing strategy or a fantastic jump start if you are just starting out.
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